Monday, February 06, 2006

TWIN CITIES NEWS: How can I advertise on The Twin Cities News Blog or the other sites?

By The Twin Cities Daily News Blog for Leominster MA and Fitchburg MA

----- Our Advertising has been updated, and now you need to go through Google to advertise in this blog, if you want to sponsor our blog posts, please leave a comment below! ------

Where to put your ad: If you want to advertise on our top direct link ad space or links at the bottom of each blog post just send an email with your phone number and we'll contact you to set up your ad link. You can have your ad links at the top for only $97/Month minimum 3 months, and an ad link after every blog post for only $59/Month minimum 3 months. You get a complete business profile page with contact information which can be use for the link or we can link directly to your website if you have one or we can design a nice 5 pages website for you for only $200 + hosting.

If you want to post your banner ad below the Twin Cities Blog Sponsor Links on the side bar, you need to contact us at , just send us your request with your contact information. Your ad can be there for a month with no rotations, meaning your ad will be the only advertisement place there. This space can be rent it for only $39.95/Month that you can pay by money order, check, or Paypal if you live out of the area, minimum 3 months. Remember that all our ads will be place on all our blog web sites for a month without rotations ( and any of our local network sites), this doesn't apply to our new sites.

If you don't have a web site we can create a professional looking 5 pages web site for $200 + hosting, and also we offer FREE ad designs for our customers...

Twin Cities Sponor Links, this is another good spot to place your ad for only $79.95/Month. Plus, you can by top placement for an extra $15.00 or better offer (meaning if you paid $79.95 but another business bid $15.00 for your spot, we let you know to see if you want to out bid them). There are 100 ad spaces for rent there. And now they will have a pop up description of your title ad.

Remember that text link can't be stop by anti-advertisement softwares plus help you on your search engine ranking with Google, Yahoo, and MSN....

This also include a free web business profile (this profiles stay in our website forever), this can act as your web page if you need one or if you want another one to increase marketing exposure...

Sidebar Small banners (120x120 pixels), there are 10 spaces available that can be rent for only $19.00/month minimum 6 months per space. No Rotations.

Article Sponsorship, this ad is a permanent ad, you can sponsor as many article as you want. Remember that our articles get publish on blog directories, search engines, RSS directories, and blog communities. So, this is a big marketing exposure for your brand, product, or services. You can sponsor articles for only $40.00 per article with a minimum of 10 articles. You can save 25% when you sponsor 20 or more articles... You can decide on which of our web sites you want your ad.

Top Banner Ads, you can put your banner ad on the top of our website for better exposure with no rotations for only $129/month, minimum 3 months...

Send email to to order or to get more information.

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