Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Barack Obama Is The New President Of United States Of America

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People Is Ready For A Change, And That Change Started Today... Barack Obama Is The New President Of United States Of America, Which Make Him The First Black President In The History Of The U.S.!

Fitchburg and Leominster MA Events News.- I'm glad Barack Obama won the elections (2008), we need something different, someone with a different approach to things, because what the last president did clearly didn't work for any of us. The government spent trillion of dollars in fixing another country's administration system, but forgot completely to budget and use some of that cash to keep this country on a successful path.

Many people knew that McCain was just a Bush with a different name and face, thank God he didn't win, I think most of the people that voted for him was from the wealthy class, I said this because Obama is planning of making them pay more taxes than the poor, Robin Hood style, take from the rich not from the poor.... I think that is a very smart approach in economy down times, why taking more money from those that don't have it?

Now we need to give a big brake to Barack Obama before start seeing any changes, we have to remember that he taking charge of a country with an economy crisis (recession), two wars that still need to be deal with, a crashing stock market, high rates of unemployment, a global bad reputation, slow new energy improvements, and global warming issues. Is no way we are going to see fast changes, but I hope he and his team are smart enough come out with a reliable solutions to current recession problems, because if this is fix the other problems can deal easier.

From the news:
""The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep," Obama cautioned.

Young and charismatic but with little experience on the national level, Obama smashed through racial barriers and easily defeated Republican John McCain to become the first African-American destined to sit in the Oval Office, America's 44th president. He was the first Democrat to receive more than 50 percent of the popular vote since Jimmy Carter in 1976.

"It's been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this date in this election at this defining moment, change has come to America," Obama told a victory rally of 125,000 people jammed into Chicago's Grant Park.

Obama scored an Electoral College landslide that redrew America's political map. He won states that reliably voted Republican in presidential elections, like Indiana and Virginia, which hadn't supported the Democratic candidate in 44 years. Ohio and Florida, key to Bush's twin victories, also went for Obama, as did Pennsylvania, which McCain had deemed crucial for his election hopes.

With just 76 days until the inauguration, Obama is expected to move quickly to begin assembling a White House staff and selecting Cabinet nominees.

Campaign officials said Illinois Rep. Rahm Emanuel was the front-runner to be Obama's chief of staff. The advisers spoke on a condition of anonymity because the announcement had not yet been made.

Obama's victory was sweetened by Democratic gains in both houses of Congress. In the Senate, Democrats ousted Republicans Elizabeth Dole of North Carolina and John Sununu of New Hampshire and captured seats held by retiring GOP senators in Virginia, New Mexico and Colorado. Democrats scored big gains in the House, as well.

When Obama and running mate Joe Biden take their oath of office on Jan. 20, Democrats will control both the White House and Congress for the first time since 1994.

"It is not a mandate for a party or ideology but a mandate for change," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California said: "Tonight the American people have called for a new direction. They have called for change in America."

After the longest and costliest campaign in U.S. history, Obama was propelled to victory by voters dismayed by eight years of George W. Bush's presidency and deeply anxious about rising unemployment and home foreclosures and a battered stock market that has erased trillions of dollars of savings for Americans.

Six in 10 voters picked the economy as the most important issue facing the nation in an Associated Press exit poll. None of the other top issues — energy, Iraq, terrorism and health care — was selected by more than one in 10. Obama has promised to cut taxes for most Americans, get the United States out of Iraq and expand health care, including mandatory coverage for children.

Obama acknowledged that repairing the economy and dealing with problems at home and overseas will not happen quickly. "We may not get there in one year or even in one term," he said. "But, America, I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you, we as a people will get there.""
Source: Yahoo.

Here is a old video where Obama talks about his plan for 2008 and why he decide to become the president of United States of America.

Well, congratulations to Barack Obama and his wife! Looks like America is really ready for a change.


  1. Anonymous7:11 AM

    "People Is Ready For A Change..."? Nice editing.

  2. Anonymous8:38 AM

    "Obama is planning of making them pay more taxes than the poor, Robin Hood style, take from the rich not from the poor...." I pray you never earn a good pay and end up on the other end of the "Robin Hodd" effect. But, somehow, I suspect that won't be happening anytime soon.

  3. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Is time for someone to do something new, the problem how long it will take for him to pass that tax law... I hope by next by 2010.

    Good article...



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