Wednesday, March 02, 2011

What Locals Think Candidates Should Focus On 2011 Elections [Poll Results]

Leominster and Fitchburg MA Daily News. - In a recent online poll provided by one of our local newspapers The Leominster Champion, they ask their site visitors which aspect should candidates of next November 3rd 2011 elections should focus on? And the answers are very closed in votes, the problem is on the poll results.

Here is the poll result so far:
  1. Crime rate in the city - 26%.
  2. Schools and renovations - 26%.
  3. Keeping businesses thriving downtown - 24%.
  4. Finances - 24%.

As you can see votes are very closed, but what the real results should is 'keeping businesses thriving downtown' and 'finances' should be the number one priorities for this year candidates.

We ask local Internet business consultant Mr. Luis Galarza to answer us why? "The answer is very simple. If current local businesses are successful and more new businesses open in the area, the towns will do way better, because a city with a healthy business growth means:

- More tax dollars for the city and state.
- Low unemployment rate, because new jobs would be available.
- Better finances for the cities.
- More jobs mean, more spending dollars in the hand of local consumers.
- More local successful businesses = a wealthy town."

... said Luis Galarza.

So, buy local to help your town finances! Also read "Amazon Kindle Ebook vs. Paper Books."

Mark D.

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