Monday, January 12, 2009

Leominster MASS 2009 Fix Up Part 1

The Twin Cities Mass Daily News Blog For The City Of Leominster and Fitchburg MA, also check Leominster MA Real Estate

Where To Get Pizza In Leominster Massachusetts?

Fitchburg and Leominster MA Events News.- First I need to say that the City of Leominster Massachusetts is one of the most successful cities in the North Central Mass, The Worcester County, and the Twin Cities where Fitchburg is the other city, which by the way is not doing that well, but I’m going to leave that our other post title “Fitchburg MASS 2009 Fix-Up”, and let me tell you that list there is a lot longer than this one.

Leominster MA is business friendly town is that is one the main reasons this city is doing so well, their revenue is steady, and it also have a great Mayor who knows how to budget and apply the money in ways that keeps the city in such a high level of success.

Why I said this, well if you aren’t from here you need to know that the town has many great places, local and national companies, events, and historical spots that keep outsiders coming back for more every single week, spots like:
  • Super Walmart.
  • The Target Plaza.
  • The Mall.
  • Four Point Hotel.
  • The Plastic Museum.
  • New Leominster Library.
  • Lowes.
  • Home Depot.
  • Chillis.
  • Long Horn.
  • Outback.
  • TGI Fridays.
  • Olive Garden.
  • And many more...

But, there are a few things that the city needs to change or improve to make it even better.

Things That Need A Fix-Up.

I list the things below after asking around 130 local residents, what they think Leominster can do better or needs improvement? Many people where concern about adult entertainment, others about kids entertainment, others about taxes, others transportation, others about the recession or low economy help, others want it better or new local companies, and others about employment or jobs.

As you can see many people think there is a lot of room for improvement, there is also a lot of concern about the Mayor and his team just thinking about helping the income and look of the city, but they have no rescue plan for unemployed residents, taxes, low economy, which included things like rent and monthly utilities.

Here are peoples concerns:

Unemployment: If you didn’t know there is a lot of problem in this area, a few local factories closing down one of the big issues here, a lot of local businesses laying-off workers as a strategy to increase their profit in slow times. If you go to the Mall At Whitney Field you will notice that they have a few retail places empty, and others getting ready to close like TB Toys which is going out of business.

All these problems have a big impact in the unemployment office, where now will take you almost all day to get an interview.

Many people agree that the town needs to do something. One thing they can do is provide up to date information about current job openings in the local area or neighbor towns. Because many local companies aren’t advertising their “job openings” as a way to safe money. We want to step in and give businesses a low cost avenue to promote their job opportunities here in the Twin Cities News Blog, we will provide you a post or article where you can give all the information about the job without limits of words, plus your article which is also a web-page will stay post forever which is a good form of advertising for your company, just send the details about the opening to our email at ( we will contact you in 24 hours or less, we will post your notice for only $20 per article.

Another solution is for unemployed residents to start or invest in a new or current business, I personally recommend this option to anyone who have self-starting motivation and are risk takers.

We ask Luis Galarza a local business and Internet marketing expert who will be partnering with our co-founder to start a local educational small business association to see what he thinks about this issue, “The economy in down but revenues in many markets are up, in fact because of this slow economy there is better opportunities in many markets that had hot trends for a few years, and currently are getting better. Plus, you can start an Internet business with a low budget or even for free if you know how, off course.”, Said Luis, who is also offering free business consultation in Leominster and Fitchburg MA to any one who wants to start or grow their own business. Also he offers Internet marketing consulting, courses, and services. For information contact him by leaving a message in his voicemail at 978.425.1422.

Also you can contact the CDC Community Development in Fitchburg by calling 978.342.9561 for basic business advice, and business plan course, which is free for those who qualify.

Recession or Down Economy Help: The recession is making everything difficult for home owners, real estate agencies, travel agencies, employment, car dealerships, and almost any other type of business. People have less money because they are getting less hours at work, for example workers from Plastican Inc. don’t have weekend over time like they use too, and employees are struggling to keep up with bills, some already loss one or all their cars, and houses. People are asking them self what’s the city’s plan to help them because everything is still cost the same or more, gas is high, rent is crazy high, and important bills like electricity, gas, and oil is off the roof, specially where Unitel is the utility provider. Residents don’t really care much about cable, or any of those things, main utilities are a must in New England’s cold weather.

Is use to be many help centers in the city to assist people with money problems, but after Bush magic disaster most of those services are gone.

I recommend residents with money problems to try to get free food at the Hispanic American Center in Leominster located in the corner of Spru St. and Second St., also you can go to 71 Pleasant St. where the church is at, there is a non-profit organization dedicated to help people with addictions they also provide free food, and another one is Gigy’s Pantry on Mechanic St. next to Jade Chinese Restaurant. Also, you can visit the local Fuel Assistance Massachusetts office in Fitchburg located on Main St. to get utility help, food stamps, and extra cash assistance if you qualify.

Also if you are a member of MassHealth may also qualify for a discount with your local utility company, just call them and have your MassHealth member information on hand.

I recommend you to read our article title “Save Energy And Cut Your Bills In Leominster And Fitchburg MA” for extra tips on how to save money from monthly electric and gas bills.

Tomorrow I will continue with part 2 of this series.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:10 AM

    Great article, I completely agree with you guys and many of the residents. I'm looking forward to read the next parts...

    Good stuff....

    Jake D



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