What Walking From Leominster to Boston Mass Have Anything to Do With Growing Your Business?

Fitchburg and Leominster MA Events News.- Well, a lot... This is the opinion of Ed Drozda a small business expert that wrote an article about his experience in the walk-a-thon, which also help him understand a few factors or elements about running and marketing a business successfully.
The Avon Breast Cancer 3 Day walk is a great fundrasing event that was created to help breast cancer research Avon foundations. Also check the 3 Day breast cancer foundation.
Here is the article:
"Take a Good Look at Yourself... and Grow Your Business
By Ed Drozda
Imagine This!
I am going to have to ask you to use your imagination a bit. Picture a middle-aged
male, 6 feet tall, long, wavy blond hair, about 185lbs. Now for the fun part, he
is dressed in a yellow tutu, a tiara adorns his head; he has a magic wand in one
hand, a megaphone in the other and a toothbrush in his mouth.For the record, the picture you have conjured up is me. So why the picture you ask or maybe it is more like why and what the…? The picture was taken at an event called the Avon Breast Cancer 3-Day. In this event over 3000 people walked 67 miles from Leominster MA to Boston. You heard it, 67 miles in 3 days on 2 feet. My wife and I had walked it the first year and for the next two years we joined the crew of 500 or so volunteers that supported the walkers. Our crew team ran a pit stop; our goal was to provide treats, fluids and moral support for the walkers. As you might have guessed our team theme was tooth fairies.
Sometimes you have to step outside of your comfort zone and adopt a less serious approach. At the end of those three days, despite the benefit of that megaphone I had no voice left. Let me tell you, it is some challenge to keep people charged when they are physically and emotionally worn. Let’ s face it, these people walked for a lot of reasons. Some of them are breast cancer survivors themselves, others are
walking in honor of loved ones lost to or still battling this devastating disease. For me, it was in memory of my Mom who had breast cancer yet died of other causes and a dear friend who at the time was battling the disease and who
ultimately succumbed, this past year.Don't Be Sad
But this is not a sad story; in fact this experience was the most life-changing of my time on this earth. Each of my three years participating in this event I was fortunate to be amongst amazingly selfless people. To say I was humbled does not come close to describing the feelings that surged through me. The tears flowed freely as did the joy, the cheers and the hope. There is no place I would rather have been, no experience that would have satisfied me more profoundly. I discovered strength and passion in me I had no idea existed, not to mention what I learned of so many others.
Business Is First and Foremost About People
OK, so what does this have to do with business anyway? Well, here are my thoughts. A business is first, about people; employees, clients, the public at large, and so on. The common denominator in business is people. Yet, when we get caught up in running a business (or for that matter being in business) it’s easy to lose our appreciation for those people upon whom our business depends. That is not something we can afford to do. My 3-Day experience taught me a lot about how I look at myself and at others.
Take a Walk Alongside Yourself- You Will be Amazed
You have heard the old adage ‘walk a mile in my shoes’. How about walking a mile alongside yourself? What would that be like? Take a close look at your day to day. How does it feel? What would it be like to be your own employee, a client or even your boss? Do you know yourself this well? If you do I congratulate you as I suspect you are in the minority. If you do not, my challenge to you is that you start the journey. When you do, you will be enriched in ways you cannot imagine. I know; it took me three days and 67 miles.
Start walking...
Since 1996, under the name E & D Associates, Ed Drozda has facilitated the success of businesses of all sizes through effective management of comprehensive projects and strategically delivered business/executive coaching. He earned his BS in Medical Technology from Marquette University and his MBA in Health Care Administration from Bryant University; he is also a graduate of the Coach University Coach Training Program. Ed is a board certified blood bank specialist and has enjoyed over 20 years in the field of clinical operations and healthcare administration. As a project manager, he has worked with major pharmaceutical, medical device manufacturing and blood collection companies. As a business/executive coach Ed enjoys working with dynamic executives and business owners who seek to develop and grow small to mid-size businesses. He challenges and leads these clients to clarify and maximize their goals while discovering and exploiting their inherent strengths.
Visit on the web at http://www.4eandd.com/."
Here a video that shows people at the event. See how exited is to be part of it and how happy they are even after a long walk. This video was film in 2006 at the 2 day walk for Breat Cancer...
As a business owner I think you should always look for ways to give back to the community or to poeple by sponsoring or participating this type of helpful events. Luis Galarza a local Small Business and Marketing consultant recommends also to find ways to create your own fundraising event in partnership with a charity that supports or do research of some kind, find in your heart who you want to get the benefits to.
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