Is Swine Flu The Next Global Health Treat Or Is Just Another Regular Type Of Virus?

Fitchburg and Leominster MA Events News.- For years public health experts anticipated that a stronger new type of flu will evolved, and this new disease will be the one that will kill millions of people around the world. They don't know if this is the next global treat, because is too soon to tell... But, people want to really know, if the swine flu (Wikipedia) will be another pandemic like the ones is 1918, 1957 and 1968?
Here is their answers:
"What makes this so difficult is we may be somewhere between an important but yet still uneventful public health occurrence here — with something that could literally die out over the next couple of weeks and never show up again — or this could be the opening act of a full-fledged influenza pandemic," said Michael Osterholm, a prominent expert on global flu outbreaks with the University of Minnesota.
"We have no clue right now where we are between those two extremes. That's the problem," he said." Full story...
What's Swine Influenza (Flu)?
"Swine Influenza (swine flu) is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type
A influenza that regularly cause outbreaks of influenza among pigs. Swine flu
viruses do not normally infect humans, however..." Read full definition.
The whole thing started in Mexico where the virus killed 86 residents and had around 1,400 cases since April 13. The country where put in emergency alert to try to stop the swine flu to gain any more exposure. Authorities cancel church services and closed schools. Also the president of Mexico Felipe Calderon gain more authority to quarantine people infected with the virus.
Also people started wearing surgical masks as a precaution against infection inside subway transportation lines in Mexico City... This started on Friday.
Cases of the infection have been mild in the U.S.. Health department officials are investigating sick people that traveled to Mexico and then came back with the sickness. Other nations were also affected and they also are investigating their ills... Some of those countries are France, Israel, Zealand, and Canada.
Can the infection travel all the way to Massachusetts?
Well, there are no death from patients in the U.S., but they reported eight cases on Saturday morning and by the time the afternoon hit on Sunday there were 20 cases, which include New York City with eight high school kids. This fast viral movement call the attention of the media that even The New York Post had a headline on their Sunday issue titled "Pig Flu Panic" right on their front page.
So, the answer is yes. The disease can reach Massachusetts metro areas and then spread to small town like the Twin Cities Leominster and Fichburg Mass.
The good news is that this time the U.S. is ready and prepare in case the situation gets worst. Federal officials already declared a public health emergency and started transporting antiviral medicine to health centers all over the nation.
How To Avoid It!
1. - Cover up cough and sneezes.
2. - Wash hands often.
3. - Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth.
4. - Avoid contact with sick people.
Here are some videos to help you understand the virus and the whole situation.
Part One
Part Two
Hope you enjoy the videos.
Other Swine Flu Resources.
- Mexico swine flu deaths spur global epidemic fears.- CDC: Swine flu viruses in U.S. and Mexico match -
- How swine flu spreads in humans - Los Angeles Times.
- Swine Flu Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Information on ....
Great post you got some excellent resources here.. Keep it up
ReplyDeleteLeominster Ma resident
That stupid swine flu in moving all over the world way to fast... Gov. said they are ready for the situation, but I think is fart from it. They just don't want people to get scare.
ReplyDeleteI thing each town needs to use their own resources and start getting ready for the virus, before we get hit.
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