Saturday, July 25, 2009

10 Air Heater Tips For Leominster and Fitchburg Residents

By Anna Phommatham, The Twin Cities Mass Daily News Blog For The City Of Leominster and Fitchburg MA, also check Leominster MA Real Estate.

For Better Use And Care Of Your Portable Air Heater Here Are 10 Tips To Help Local Residents Heat Their Homes Save!

Fitchburg and Leominster MA News.- Many experts recommend portable electric heaters because they can be of great convenience in the New England crazy cold weather, but can also become a hazard in not used the right way.

I know we recommend you to use air heaters to warm your house in our article title "Save Energy And Cut Your Monthly Bills In Leominster And Fitchburg MA" , because the integrated fan makes the heating process way more effective. But, it can still become a fire hazard if not used properly.

There is a list of 10 useful tips that teach the do's and don'ts of using one of this electronic machines. This tips were develop and approved by The Association of Home Appliances Manufactures (AHAM).

If you use or plan to use electric portable air heaters in your home make sure to take a few minutes of your time to review the information in this article as well as the owner's manual that comes with your appliance. Remember that any heater can be dangerous regardless of it size if owners don't apply proper use.

Is all about being smart, and keeping you and your family save.

Here are the 10 tips for using air heaters right:

1. - I know nobody reads manuals, but when your safety in on the line I think is a smart idea to first read the manufacturer's manuals and warning notices before putting your appliance to use.

2. - At all cost always keep any type of flammable materials away from the warm unit. Many materials can turn on fire very easy, plus in case of an electric shock is better is nothing flammable is around.

3. - DO NOT use your heater in damps or wet areas, like bathrooms or outdoors, you can do this only if the unit is specially design for those areas. The problem is that moisture or water drops can damage the unit and a fire or electric shock may result.

4. - Is also safe to check very often if your plug or outlet fit securely. Make sure the plug fits just right and it doesn't becomes too hot, if it does, you need to replace the outlets. Check with your local electrician or repair man to replace it.

5. - When the heater is not being use is good to have it unplug from outlet to save energy. Remember to do a schedule check of the cord. If cord is damaged DO NOT use the appliance until you have a certified repair man replace the bad cord.

6. - Another big safety issues are curtains, bedding, furniture, etc.. Is recommended to keep your appliance at least 3 feet away from any of this objects. Plus, avoid blocking the unit air intake or exhaust windows.

7. - To avoid fire or shock hazard from a broken heating unit you need to place it on a flat and level surface. So, DO NOT put it on top of any type of furniture where it can fall and brake.

8. - If you have kids in your house you need to keeping them away from the unit and if you can supervise them DO NOT put the appliance inside children room.

9. - To avoid the unit cord to heat up and get damage, place the cord above rugs or carpets and not under it.

10. - And last DO NOT implement an extension cord until is really necessary. If you use the wrong type of extension cords for high wattage units may overheat the extension. When using one make sure its mark "12-gauge" or "14-gauge". This mean that when the number is smaller, the cord is larger.

Hope these small safety tips can help you avoid a fire or electric catastrophes. Here is a video from the a Virginia Fire Department with even more advice for you:

Also see this news video.

As you can see being safe at home can avoid many bad situations.

Stay safe!!!...

Yours truly,

Anna Phommatham, Marketing & Restaurant Consultant.
Offline Marketing and Advertising Tips.
How To Start A Pizza Business.

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1 comment:

  1. Trent R3:30 PM

    Great article... Many people use space heaters but most of them don't know all the safety tips you point at in your post.

    Great advice...

    Trent R



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